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Working Smart – Managing Today’s Colleagues

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Managing today’s millennials should be creative, wise and results-focused.

As an employer, line manager or similar you need to be aware of all the available methods to extract the maximum from your colleagues/direct line reports. Building an effective team/workforce requires a fluid approach to management which builds trust, empowerment, and in time, loyalty. Here are some top tips for creating a best-in-class workplace, aura and environment where #MondayMotivation is a thing of the past.

  • Embrace technology There are many apps, software and similar that not only make client delivery easier but also enhance the working practices and environment. Evernote, Basecamp, Canva, Hootsuite, for example, helps client delivery, whilst Slack, Skype, Dropbox and Teams helps the team achieve – wherever they are!
  • Long gone is 9-5 Families, work-life balance and outside interests for all means 9-5 is a thing of the past. With employees flexi-working, yet still doing all their hours (and often more) means you’ll receive a loyal workforce who are brand advocates and will be highly engaged as well.
  • Meet to achieve Team meetings/updates or similar is essential for maximising updates, and keeping your colleagues informed, happy and involved.  With webinars and Skype essential tech, your remote colleagues can all dial in and actively take part – because you have a remote workforce, this is not an excuse to not keep the team meeting on track.
  • Reward to retain Not all employees are seeking financial additions. Yes, they help. However, there are other enhancements that are attractive that make people’s lives even better. Cycle to work, pensions and company discounts are all well and good but think what you’d want. More holiday? Wider availability of perks from suppliers and the like? Recognition programmes? Better working environment? Shorter working days? The list is literally endless. If you have an engaged workforce, they’ll tell others and this makes it easier to recruit, and then, retain.
  • Culture and engagement, and vice versa Speak to your team to see what they want and find a middle ground. When employees are listened to they feel engaged and then you are on the way to building a really strong culture. The foundation of a healthy team and customer-centric culture will also help embody what’s important to all stakeholders that will help your business drive and achieve continual success. It’s what has seen MRK grow and thrive and has improved year-on-year. You can do it too, no matter the size of your organisation.
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