Working from home can come with a number of unwanted challenges.
How can you separate your home and work life? How can you ensure you are looking after your wellbeing and maintaining human connection?
Here are 5 simple ways you can look after your wellbeing whilst working from home:
1) Create a work routine
You should create a work routine and stick to it until it becomes a habit. Don’t wake up with 5 minutes before you’re due to start work and expect to have a productive day. Allow yourself enough time to get dressed and prepare. Once you have completed your work day, shut off completely and focus on your personal life.
2) Maintain interaction with friends and colleagues
Working from home doesn’t mean you have to be alone. Make time to discuss any challenges you have with trusted colleagues and friends. Their advice or general conversation can help you grow and move forwards.
3) Take a break and step away from your desk
There’s a natural tendency to work through your lunch break. Don’t! Use your lunch as an opportunity to take a break from the working environment; go for a walk, read a book or catch up on a series. This will help you conquer stress and unhelpful thoughts.
4) Maintain your physical health
Working all hours isn’t healthy; you must look after your physical health outside of work. This involves eating frequently, ensuring you are getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. If you are struggling, there are plenty of apps and tutorials to keep you on track.
5) Worry about what you can control
Only concern yourself with situations you can control directly. Try not to stress about what is completely out of your control as this will only bring unwarranted stress.
We understand working from home can be difficult and adjusting to this way of living is not an easy task. However, if you find ways to look after your wellbeing, you will soon find it easier to be productive.
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